I have been reading the NaPoWriMo blog and have noticed that it has a choice of names. I have never really thought about where it was based, but of course it is American.
I am not American.
So I note that the alternative name is 'GloPoWriMo' - Global Poetry Writing Month. Mmm, this makes some sense.
But only some, as why can it not be national to where I live in Scotland just as much as it is to America?
Good question, old woman, good question.
So I am undecided, but this year I shall participate in GLOPoWriMo . . . but I shall leave the past years as NaPoWriMo, and I shall consider at the end where next.
And so to my preliminary.
This year I am determined to bring into the open some of the darker side of my mind, to write about things that have long remained hidden.
You see, I should have done this yesterday but did not for a range of reasons, so today I have to 'do' two posts. The first is this, and it now has to include a haibun.
The form appeals to me.
And the title works up there and for the haibun.
The day had been normal and life had continued apace. As ever, she was late leaving, but only to join friends for the evening before going to work. It wasn't raining.
Tyres on empty road
Dusk darkened to owl hours
Killer on wrong side.
(c) 2ndwitch, 01/04/17
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