Friday, 27 April 2018

GloPoWriMo 2018 - day twenty-five

Today the prompt is to write a poem that is a warning to myself.

Remember to check the ingredients!

Because when you don't, you suffer all sorts of unpleasant after-effects that seriously outweigh any pleasure you may have got from whatever you decided to eat.

Remember to look both ways!

Because if you don't you might meet a large bus and in the case of such a context you are basically bound to lose.

Remember to set your alarm!

Because if you forget you can guarantee that you will oversleep and it will happen on a day when you not oversleeping is a matter of extreme importance.

Remember to check that you have packed everything!

Because you can be sure that the thing you have forgotten will be the thing you need most of all and that you can least do without.

Remember to smile!

Because the world is used to shite and you can be certain that your shite is of no interest to anyone else but that your one smile might be the thing that makes the day okay for someone else.

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