Monday, 6 March 2017

NaPoWriMo 2014 18

The coaly Tyne.

The lights danced and shimmered, reflected in the restless sea,
As we walked through the dusk along the shore.
The lights at the mouth of the river flashed a warning to the ships
That sailed in and out of port with the rolling tide.
And there, in that short time, the life of the river
Pulsed and sighed, and whispered to the walkers that strolled
Upon her banks of spice and coal, and lands far away.
There were echoes of Iceland, and Norway, and Holland,
Memories of journeys to America, to Australia, and cargoes from
England and France and Spain. Pleasure seekers pass up and down
Along the river's length, gazing at the banks that over the years
Have known dirt and labour and death, sadness, hope and
Regeneration. The life of the city lies in that artery,
Its life blood flows ever along the coaly Tyne.

© 2ndwitch, 18/04/14

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