Monday, 6 March 2017

NaPoWriMo 2015 08

Today we have to write a palinode.

To be truly and authentically palinodic requires a degree of
Forethought, of planning, and of logic or coherence in the
Writing of poetry. This is perhaps an issue, as I am none of
The above, at any time, for any reason, and most certainly
I fail to achieve such heights when I am writing poetry.
For the palinode is a retraction and justification, and in
Order to retract and justify the retraction I would need to have
Asserted a condition or statement with force and authority in
The first place. I am a ranting and pedantic fool, opinionated
And outspoken, and thus I make many such assertions of
Condition or statement, but not necessarily in my poetic
Effusions. I may ramble from the gate to the road, and
In doing so pass by the bramble bank, and visit the kettle
To make a needed cup of tea, but I do not consciously
Seek out the didactic idiom, when in poetic mode.
However, and wherefore, and whatever, and suchlike other
Words that indicate a turn and change of mood, the
Observant reader, if there is one, may have noticed that the
Opening of this very poem contains just such an assertion
As would be needed, and that, in the course of reaching this
Stage in the single stanza I have actually indicated why my
Opening statement is not true, and the conclusion to this
Exercise has to be that I have changed my mind, and that
I no longer believe that I need to be organised and logical
In order to write a poem that can be considered a palinode.

© 2ndwitch, 08/04/15

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