Friday, 5 April 2019

GloPoWriMo2019 Day Five

Today we vill an elle-ish prospect view.

The sails are set now on this ship of fools
There is no crew and no-one who can steer
For the wisest men are erased by the rules

This ship sails on through dangerous pools
And the passengers dine well on dark and fear
And the sails are set now on this ship of fools

The fools on this ship have no navigation tools
They have no charts or maps by which to steer
And the wisest men are erased by the rules

The fast encroaching dark ship crewed by ghouls
Draws inexorably onwards closer ever near
And the sails are set now on this ship of fools

Soon the dark ship will engulf the foolish fools
And that faintest hope that the wise men hold so dear
Will see these wisest men erased by the rules

The stars will one by one recede into a formless doom
And the spring and summer lost in the never-ending end of year
For the sails are truly set now on this ship of fools
And the wisest men are erased by foolish rules.

(c) 2ndwitch, 05/04/19

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