Monday, 1 April 2019

GloPoWriMo2019 Day One

Today is a day of fools.

We are told, from early in our lives,
To listen when someone is talking to us,
To take notice,
To do as we are told.
We are told, from early in our lives,
That they know what they are doing,
That they will do their best,
That they know what is best for us.

So why do I think they are wrong?
Why do I think I should never have listened?
Why do they keep ignoring common sense?
Why am I so worried?

I was told, I was instructed, that privilege
And education fitted those who had them
For a role in charge of life.
I was told, I was instructed, that those
Who were privileged and educated
Knew better than the rest and
Had a duty to be in charge of life.

The old order has broken.
We should no longer listen.
We should take notice only to oppose.
We should challenge.
We should disobey.

There is no new order,
And the ship of fools
Has left the harbour
And taken all sense with it.
We are alone and betrayed.
We believed in the fools.

(c) 2ndwitch, 01/04/19


  1. Lots of strands of philosophy there

  2. I was told to listen well
    To hear the words and use my head
    To know what to consign to hell
    to think instead

    My parents taught me to believe
    in freedom and in being smart
    not to hang upon the sleeve
    of some old fart

  3. it's all very true of course, which is why I a glad of my parents who didn't swallow the line fed them ... very well put.
