Thursday, 25 April 2019

GloPoWriMo2019 Day Twenty-five

Today we season with a sonnet.

When first I hear the cuckoo call in spring
I look toward the beech tree grand and tall.
I smell the raindrop's song, and hear it sing
Of dying days of winter that recall

The crisp and frozen crust on fallen snow
That hides the saddest mark of season's end,
And then I turn my face to winds that blow
The taste of hope that memory will mend.

For as I watch the new leaf dimpled sky
And catch the wee birds' chatter in the trees,
And see the soaring hawk that hovers near,
Then think I of foolishness, asking why
The greed of some can bring us to our knees -
But only future's promise do I fear.

(c) 2ndwitch, 25/04/19


  1. a very classic sonnet! I like it a lot.
    One typo, you have an ecrescent apostrophe in the second quatrain second line which should have "hides" not "hide's"

    1. Thanks for the typo alert - I managed to miss that one! I have no idea where it came from - someone somewhere has lost an apostrophe!
